Insurance – Group & Individual

Individual Insurance

While your financial plan builds your wealth, risk management involves strategies that preserve it. Integrating the right insurance strategy with your overall financial plan can be key to ensuring you reach your goals.

We help clients explore the most cost-effective solutions to help cover various eventualities. Should a primary income provider or spouse pass away, we plan ahead to cover for a loss of income, dependent needs and unpaid debts—while protecting other important assets such as property or business interests. When a client requires custodial care at home or in a facility, we ensure that there are funds to cover the high cost of long-term care. In the event a disability, we help make sure the financial plan has sufficient funds to compensate for the loss of income. We also help mitigate any unforeseen medical expenses when traveling.

We at Special Needs Financial have no proprietary products to sell and no quotas to fill. We simply offer independent, objective advice that serves our clients’ best interests within a comprehensive financial and estate plan. When insurance is the right solution, Special Needs Financial and affiliated partners have the experience to implement coverage for:

Individual Lines of Insurance

  • Long-Term Care
  • Life—family and estate protection
  • Disability—income replacement
  • Travel Insurance / Out of Country Insurance

Group Insurance

We have experience consulting and advising on both the Group Retirement and Health & Welfare Plans of Multi-Employer Unions. In addition, we also have experience with smaller group plans such as law firms, professional corporations and other businesses. We are familiar not only with the traditional Group Retirement plans but also in Deferred Profit Sharing Plans (DPSP) and can set up and advise on these.

Please contact us and find out just what we can do and how much we can save you.

Group Lines of Insurance

  • Health & Welfare – both Insured and Administrative Services Only (ASO)
  • Group Insurance including Long Term Disability (LTD) and Group Life insurance
  • Group Retirement plans (including Defined Contribution Pension and Group RRSP’s)
  • Deferred Profit Sharing Plans (DPSP)